Online dashboard

Informed reporting drives revitalized strategic planning

In response, MCI USA created an online dashboard portal that delivered updated informative high-level metrics of all key performance indicators (KPIs) as well as meeting minutes and governance documents. With board members able to review KPIs on a consistent, it was an easy transition for leadership to engage in strategic planning. At the board retreat, leaders and staff were able to rely on verifiable statistical data as conversations took place on the organization's future. 



  • MCI USA brought consistency to the reporting and analysis of metrics.  
  • The board was armed with the information necessary to make decisions. 
  • The board retreat resulted in measurable goals and objectives. 
  • Within the first year, board members indicated feeling more informed and in charge of their organization. 
  • Within two years, it was clear which board and committee members were ready to ascend the leadership ladder and replenish executive committee and board positions. 


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