Management transition

Taking ILEA from a short-term consulting client to a long-term management partner

We performed a thorough organizational assessment that included a full-scope SWOT analysis and overview of ILEA’s competitive space; review and analysis of years of documents and other historical records; phone interviews with ILEA staff; an email survey of ILEA members and nonmembers; an audit of ILEA events, award programs, certifications, and other key offerings; and an in-person identity workshop with the full ILEA Board of Governors (BOG), which we designed, hosted, and conducted. At the end of the process, we prepared a final report to the ILEA BOG that included detailed recommendations for reversing ILEA’s downward trends and helping the organization thrive. 



  • ILEA hired MCI USA as new full-service management company 
  • Our ILEA staff team is working to implement our recommendations 
  • Slowly reversing downward trends in membership and revenue 
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