The Engagement Loop illustrates four modes of engagement – consume, contribute, collaborate and co-create – a continuum of interaction and involvement that members and customers experience throughout their engagement with organisations.
Data based on 15,800 responses from 58 associations, across multiple industries, reveals that 31% of members and customers from around the world (120 countries) are highly interested in contributing more actively to the development of content, programmes or the strategy of their association. But only 15% find it easy, and only 22% completely agree that their association encourages them to contribute to association activities and to help advance its mission.
“Findings show that associations can enhance engagement and relationship strength with a more structured approach and deliberate focus using the Engagement Loop to move members and customers from passive consumers to active brand ambassadors and promoters,” notes Nikki Walker, MCI’s Global Vice President, Associations & Communities.
Furthermore the 2024 Engagement Index is a moderate score of 88 (on a scale of -50 to 150), identical to that of the 2022 Index, indicating there is still room for associations to improve engagement strategies through a better understanding of the key drivers.

Findings from the 2024 AEI include the following key drivers:
The 3Cs of engagement (from 2022 AEI) still prevail – members and customers want to choose the right channel for the right activity, and customising their journey to help them find relevant content remains critical.
Advocacy, loyalty and brand promotion varies greatly by age: those under 55 (who represent the core and the future of associations) are the least likely to recommend their association, requiring focused engagement tactics.
53% of respondents’ time spent interacting with associations is spent consuming content – a passive, solo activity.
Based on the 2024 AEI insights, MCI recommends that associations:
Optimise, monitor and structure engagement opportunities around the four modes of the Engagement Loop.
Present multiple opportunities for agile, flexible, multichannel and short-term engagement.
Regularly invite members to contribute, collaborate and co-create.
Design events to capitalise on in-person touchpoints by facilitating as many opportunities and formats as possible for contribution, collaboration and co-creation.
Personalise communications to move members and customers to targeted modes of engagement.
Download the full report at: www.mci-associationengagement.com
The 2024 Association Engagement Index
58 associations from around the world and across multiple industries and professions participated in the 2024 Association Engagement Index, generating more than 15,800 responses from members, customers and stakeholders from 120 countries. Research was conducted in the first quarter of 2024 by insidery, MCI’s research partner.
For further information, please contact:
Nikki Walker
Global Vice President Engagement - Associations & Communities
Karine Desbant
Director Marketing & Communications - Associations Market
About MCI
MCI is a global engagement and marketing agency. We design human-centric solutions that unleash the power of people to deliver innovation and growth for our clients. Our offering includes live & virtual events, strategic & digital communications, consulting & community solutions. We help brands, companies, associations and not-for-profits solve their challenges, bringing their people together to shape their tomorrow. MCI is an independently owned company headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, with a global presence in 60 offices across 31 countries. www.mci-group.com