
Human-AI collaboration: Disrupting the present and creating the future

The challenge 

From the initial briefing, the challenge was clear: generative AI had to be the absolute protagonist – shaping the content, activations and guest interactions. 

At MCI, we view artificial intelligence (AI) not as a competitor but as a powerful partner. This philosophy fueled the success of MCI Brazil’s recent project with BCG X: Generative AI for CEOs & C-Suite. 

Our objective was to solidify BCG X's position as a frontrunner in innovative business solutions for the technological age. We aimed to emphasise the power of human-AI collaboration in overcoming corporate challenges.  

A key insight during project implementation was the strategic partnership between BCG X and Microsoft. This led us to explore solutions utilising Microsoft's partnerships with cutting-edge AI tools, like ChatGPT.  

Our creative strategy 

To translate this concept into a tangible experience, MCI’s team of planners and creative technology specialists designed the intelligent prompts, then evaluated and optimised the AI proposed actions and activations. 

For example, the event's entire visual identity stemmed from an innovative approach. MCI’s Art Director utilised prompts directed towards generative AI tools to craft the campaign's key visuals. By incorporating elements from BCG X's existing brand identity with the AI's output, we arrived at the final Key Visual (KV) – a design that permeated all communication materials and scenography. 

Further amplifying the human-AI collaboration theme, the opening soundtrack was also generated by AI and then flawlessly mixed by a live DJ at the event. This powerful performance served as a testament to the synergy achievable when humans and AI work together. 

To actively engage guests, we proposed three interactive game concepts presented on strategically positioned totems throughout the venue. As participants approached a totems, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology embedded within their credentials would be instantly recognised by the machine, initiating a personalised journey. 


BCG X’s capabilities in leveraging the potential applications of AI in a corporate setting were successfully demonstrated. A significant pool of high-level decision-makers within the target audience were engaged throughout the event. The lead base was demonstrably expanded. 

This groundbreaking project successfully demystified AI for over 200 participating executives, established BCG X as a market leader and simultaneously expanded new business opportunities for our client.


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