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MCI drives 73.67% ROI for WoodWorks Summit with strategic omnichannel advertising and AI-powered audience targeting


Increase ticket sales while maximising return on investment. 

The Canadian Wood Council aimed to increase ticket sales for the 2023 WoodWorks Summit, an educational event in Vancouver that focused on sustainable wood design and construction. The goal was to attract a targeted audience while maximising the return on investment (ROI) from their advertising budget.

Brand Canadian Wood Council

Industry Education & Arts | Science & Engineering

Service Digital & Influencer Marketing

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Omnichannel advertising, AI-driven audience segmentation, programmatic incentives and strategic press coverage. 

MCI Canada developed a strategic approach that leveraged omnichannel advertising. This included targeted ad placements across platforms like Google Ads, Meta Platforms and LinkedIn. The goal was to reach specific professional groups, such as interior decorators and design professionals, who would be most interested in the summit.

Our strategy revolved around data-driven decisions, utilising AI-powered audience segmentation to ensure precision in targeting. By constantly refining keyword usage and platform selection, we adjusted the campaign to increase conversions and ensure higher engagement rates.

We employed a multi-faceted approach to stimulate engagement: 

  • Programmatic Incentives: Big-ticket discounts were implemented on certain days, boosting sales significantly during these periods. 
  • Press Coverage: Strategic press outreach amplified awareness, creating buzz around the event and contributing to accelerated ticket sales. 
  • Financial Incentives: Financial rewards and ticket promotions helped sustain momentum throughout the campaign. 
  • Consistent Monitoring: By observing daily sales trends, we were able to identify specific days (like Wednesdays) when engagement was higher, allowing for timely adjustments to their ad strategy.

The combination of creative press releases and targeted financial incentives ensured steady engagement, and culminated in a significant sales surge towards the campaign's end. 

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Significant reach drove ticket sales growth and impressive ROI.

This project highlighted MCI’s ability to think strategically and act creatively to solve complex challenges. The omnichannel advertising strategy showcased MCI’s innovation, as the team used AI-powered audience segmentation to optimise performance across different platforms. Adjusting to real-time data, they demonstrated flexibility and innovation by shifting focus away from less effective channels like LinkedIn when needed. The sharp uptick in sales during key periods demonstrated effective use of financial incentives and promotional strategies.

The campaign achieved impressive outcomes: 

  • Return on Investment (ROI): The campaign generated a 73.67% ROI over ticket sales. For every $1 spent, MCI delivered CA$1.73 in revenue for the Canadian Wood Council. This exceptional result underscores the effectiveness of DNA's omnichannel advertising strategy and MCI's commitment to maximising the client's return on investment. 
  • Ticket Sales: The campaign successfully sold tickets across multiple channels during a 30-day period, with a noticeable sales acceleration post-initial advertising. 
  • Advertising Metrics
  • Impressions: 452,199 
  • Clicks: 4,169 
  • Reach and Engagement: The press campaign alone reached 101,717 consumers, and achieved 36 mentions in the press. 

Unlock the potential of your next event with MCI’s innovative, data-driven marketing strategies. Contact us to start your journey toward success. 

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